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Roadkil's Password Store

Latest Version1
This Version Downloads33,043
All Versions Downloads29,072
File Size47,793 bytes
File Date14 September 2009
Languages SupportedEnglish
Download Time
8.4 s @ 56Kb/s0.9 s @ 512Kb/s
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Program Description

This helpful tool allows you to save all your passwords to a file so you dont forget them! The password file itself is encrypted so unless you know the master password its very hard to get into! Information such as your User ID, password, server name, server type, ip/url and port numbers can all be stored along with a comment for each entry.

Screen Shots

Roadkil for sending in the photo of The Monkey Hut Cat used in the Windows version.

Other Versions

VersionOperating SystemsInstallerFile Size
1Windows 9x/Me, Windows NT 4, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, 10 or 11No47793 Bytes